General questions

Need help to login

Creating an account on our developer portal through our single-sign-on server gives you access to:

and also the forum on

If you already had an account on, you can still login with your credentials on

Your profile is still available on

To create a new account and have access to all the Developer Portal sections:
1) Press the 'Login' button to be redirected to
2)a. Use your Facebook, Google or Live account and access directly all the contents of
2)b. choose 'Create an account' option to register:
3)b. Fill in your e-mail address and password
4)b. Check your mailbox and click 'Activate account' button in the e-mail sent by MyScript Developer noreply.developer[at]
5)b. You can now access all the contents

If you face any issue to login please contact us at devportal.admin[at] (as you need to login to post on this forum). We will get back to you as soon as possible to help you.
Best regards

1 Comment

Dear Sir,
While your account has not been activated, you will be asked to activate it with the ability to send again the activation e-mail. So could you please try again?
Could you please also make sure that activation e-mails are not in the spam folder of your mailbox?

Please keep us updated.
Best regards