

How to get recognition result without calculated value when using Math Part of IInk

I'm using Math part of IInk 1.3.

And I could get the recognition result from use MimeType.

I want just recognition result but this engine expressed both recognition result and calculated value.


For example,

2/3 -> 2/3 (I want this)

2/3 -> 2/3 ≃ 0.667 (This is current state)

Could you help me please?

Best Answer

Dear HongQ Kim,

thank you for contacting us and your question.

Currently, for such purpose, you should disable the "math.solver.enable" configuration key to false

This can be done as follows in your code: conf.setBoolean("math.solver.enable",false);

Best regards,


Dear HongQ Kim,

Thank you for the update.

Indeed, with the iink SDK we do not have anything similar to BeautifyFontify.

Best regards,


Dear Olivier.

Thank you for answer.

I tried what you told me, and I could get the recognition result.

By the way Is the second option in old verion impossible? (I think so..but this is enough)

mWidget.setBeautificationOption(RecognitionBeautification.BeautifyDisabled);   <== conf.setBoolean("math.solver.enable", false);
mWidget.setBeautificationOption(RecognitionBeautification.BeautifyFontify);  <== does not exist
mWidget.setBeautificationOption(RecognitionBeautification.BeautifyFontifyAndSolve); <== conf.setBoolean("math.solver.enable", true);

Thank you for your kindness.


Dear HongQ Kim,

thank you for contacting us and your question.

Currently, for such purpose, you should disable the "math.solver.enable" configuration key to false

This can be done as follows in your code: conf.setBoolean("math.solver.enable",false);

Best regards,


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  • How to get recognition result without calculated value when using Math Part of IInk