Currently, the SetTextListSize, SetWordListSize and SetCharListSize are only for a Text configuration, not a Math configuration.
In your case, what has to be kept in mind is that our solution will return with what it considers as the closest result. In the below image, in my opinion, the "5" at the denominator resembles more to a "s" than a "5", which is why our Math recognizer returns with "s".
There is actually one rule to remember which is "the more you constrain, the better the recognition is likely to be".
Once compiled, you can add it into the assets of you project and to the math.conf, e.g. Name: standard Type: Math Configuration-Script: AddResource math/math-ak.res AddResource math/myCustomGrammar.res
This way, recognition of the above is likely to be better, but keep in mind that a mis-written character is not likely to be well recognized.
贵宾 李
Dear 贵宾 李 ,
Thank you for your update.
The candidates feature for Math is not planned in our roadmap.
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Sorted by Oldest FirstOlivier @MyScript
Dear 贵宾 李 ,
Thank you for your question.
Currently, the SetTextListSize, SetWordListSize and SetCharListSize are only for a Text configuration, not a Math configuration.
In your case, what has to be kept in mind is that our solution will return with what it considers as the closest result. In the below image, in my opinion, the "5" at the denominator resembles more to a "s" than a "5", which is why our Math recognizer returns with "s".
There is actually one rule to remember which is "the more you constrain, the better the recognition is likely to be".
First, I would recommend you create your own custom grammar, in which you would only keep the characters you expect (e.g. remove the letters and keep the digits). You can refer to the following part of the documentation:
, and then compile it: You can also fine-tune it to only keep the expressions you expect (e.g. fractions, additions...)
Once compiled, you can add it into the assets of you project and to the math.conf, e.g.
Name: standard
Type: Math
AddResource math/math-ak.res
AddResource math/myCustomGrammar.res
This way, recognition of the above is likely to be better, but keep in mind that a mis-written character is not likely to be well recognized.
Best regards,
贵宾 李
upcase = A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
lowercase = a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
number = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
delt = Δ
greece = α β γ θ λ π ρ ω ϕ µ Σ
leftpar = ( [ { |
rightpar= ) ] } |
operation = = + - × ÷ * ± . % < > ≤ ≥ ≠ ≈ = , · … : ; ⊕ ⊗ ⊖ ⊙ & @
minmax = min max
ln = ln
log = log
operationStrat = + - ±
measurement = km hm dm cm mm µm ml kg mg MHz kHz Hz ¥ $
superscript = ' ''
geometricstart4 = sin cos tan cot
logzh ::= identity(log)
| identity(ln)
| subscript(log, danxiangshi)
xiabiaoshangbiao ::= identity(number)
| hpair(number,number)
| hpair(xiabiaoshangbiao,number)
singlevar ::= identity(lowercase)
| identity(greece)
| superscript(singlevar, superscript)
| superscript(singlevar, danxiangshi)
| superscript(singlevar, lowercase)
| subscript(singlevar, xiabiaoshangbiao)
| subsuperscript(singlevar, xiabiaoshangbiao, superscript)
| subsuperscript(singlevar, xiabiaoshangbiao, danxiangshi)
danxiangshi ::= identity(singlevar)
| identity(number)
| identity(delt)
| hpair(danxiangshi,number)
| hpair(danxiangshi,singlevar)
| hpair(danxiangshi,danxiangshi)
| hpair(danxiangshi,operation)
| hpair(operationStrat,danxiangshi)
| hpair(danxiangshi,geometricstartzh11)
| fence(danxiangshi,leftpar,rightpar)
| superscript(danxiangshi,xiabiaoshangbiao)
| superscript(danxiangshi,danxiangshi)
| superscript(danxiangshi,fenshi)
| sqrt(danxiangshi)
| sqrt(delt)
| hpair(logzh,danxiangshi)
fenshi ::= fraction(danxiangshi,danxiangshi)
| hpair(logzh,fenshi)
| hpair(danxiangshi,fenshi)
| hpair(fenshi,operation)
| hpair(fenshi,danxiangshi)
| hpair(fenshi,fenshi)
| superscript(fenshi,xiabiaoshangbiao)
| superscript(fenshi,danxiangshi)
| superscript(fenshi,fenshi)
| fence(fenshi,leftpar,rightpar)
| hpair(fenshi,geometricstartzh11)
| hpair(operationStrat,fenshi)
| sqrt(fenshi)
cifang = 2 3
genshi ::= sqrt(danxiangshi)
| sqrt(fenshi)
| presuperscript(genshi,cifang)
| hpair(danxiangshi,genshi)
| hpair(fenshi,genshi)
| hpair(logzh,genshi)
point ::= identity(upcase)
| subscript(upcase, number)
| superscript(upcase, superscript)
| subsuperscript(upcase, number, superscript)
zuobiaox = x
operationzuobiaox = + - = < > ≤ ≥ ≠ ≈
zuobiaoxzh ::= subscript(zuobiaox, point)
| hpair(zuobiaoyzh, operationzuobiaox)
| hpair(zuobiaoxzh, zuobiaoxzh)
zuobiaoy = y
operationzuobiaoy = + - = < > ≤ ≥ ≠ ≈
zuobiaoyzh ::= subscript(zuobiaoy, point)
| hpair(zuobiaoyzh, operationzuobiaoy)
| hpair(zuobiaoyzh, zuobiaoyzh)
geometricstart1 = □ △ Rt△
sibianxing ::= identity(point)
| hpair(point, point)
| hpair(sibianxing, point)
operationsibian = ∼ ≅
geometricstartzh1 ::= hpair(geometricstart1,sibianxing)
| hpair(geometricstartzh1, operationsibian)
| hpair(geometricstartzh1, geometricstartzh1)
mianji = S
operationmianji = + - = < > ≤ ≥ ≠ ≈
geometricstartzh8 ::= subscript(mianji, geometricstartzh1)
| hpair(geometricstartzh8, operationmianji)
| hpair(geometricstartzh8, geometricstartzh8)
| fraction(geometricstartzh8,geometricstartzh8)
| hpair(geometricstartzh8, fenshi)
| hpair(geometricstartzh8, danxiangshi)
geometricstart2 = ∠
jiao ::= identity(point)
| hpair(point, point)
| hpair(jiao, point)
| identity(number)
| identity(greece)
operationjiao = + - = < > ≤ ≥ ≠ ≈
geometricstartzh2 ::= hpair(geometricstart2,jiao)
| hpair(geometricstartzh2, operationjiao)
| hpair(geometricstartzh2, geometricstartzh2)
| fraction(geometricstartzh2,geometricstartzh2)
sanjiaohanshu ::= hpair(geometricstart4, geometricstartzh2)
| hpair(geometricstart4,greece)
| hpair(geometricstart4,point)
operationsanjiaohanshu = + - = < > ≤ ≥ ≠ ≈
geometricstartzh3 ::= identity(sanjiaohanshu)
| hpair(geometricstartzh3, operationsanjiaohanshu)
| hpair(geometricstartzh3, geometricstartzh3)
geometricstartzh5 ::= hpair(point, point)
| identity(lowercase)
| subscript(lowercase,number)
| superscript(lowercase, superscript)
| subsuperscript(lowercase, number, superscript)
operationsanzhixian = ∥ ⊥ + - =
geometricstartzh6 ::= identity(geometricstartzh5)
| hpair(geometricstartzh6, operationsanzhixian)
| hpair(geometricstartzh6, geometricstartzh6)
| fraction(geometricstartzh6,geometricstartzh6)
| hpair(geometricstartzh6, fenshi)
| hpair(geometricstartzh6, danxiangshi)
gougu = 2
operationgougu = + - =
geometricstartzh10 ::= superscript(geometricstartzh5, gougu)
| hpair(geometricstartzh10, operationgougu)
| hpair(geometricstartzh10, geometricstartzh10)
| sqrt(geometricstartzh10)
changdu = l
operationchangdu = + - = < > ≤ ≥ ≠ ≈
geometricstartzh7 ::= subscript(changdu, geometricstartzh5)
| hpair(geometricstartzh7, operationchangdu)
| hpair(geometricstartzh7, geometricstartzh7)
| fraction(geometricstartzh7,geometricstartzh7)
| hpair(geometricstartzh7, fenshi)
| hpair(geometricstartzh7, danxiangshi)
yuan = ⊙
geometricstartzh12 ::= hpair(yuan,point)
geometricstart5 = ⌒
hudu ::= hpair(point,point)
operationhudu = + - =
geometricstartzh9 ::= overscript(hudu,geometricstart5)
| hpair(geometricstartzh9, operationhudu)
| hpair(geometricstartzh9, geometricstartzh9)
xiangliangfuhao = → ⇀ ⇁ -
operationxiangliang = + - =
xiangliang ::= overscript(geometricstartzh5,xiangliangfuhao)
| hpair(xiangliang, operationxiangliang)
| hpair(xiangliang, xiangliang)
degree = ∘ ' ''
numdegree ::= identity(number)
| hpair(numdegree,number)
| superscript(numdegree,degree)
operationdegree = + - =
geometricstartzh11 ::= identity(numdegree)
| hpair(geometricstartzh11, operationdegree)
| hpair(geometricstartzh11, geometricstartzh11)
geometricstart3 = ∼ ≅
geometricstart6 = ∥ ⊥
singleable ::= identity(upcase)
| identity(lowercase)
| identity(number)
| identity(greece)
| identity(operation)
| identity(minmax)
| identity(logzh)
| identity(measurement)
| identity(degree)
| identity(geometricstart1)
| identity(geometricstart2)
| identity(geometricstart3)
| identity(geometricstart4)
| identity(geometricstart6)
expression ::= identity(singleable)
| identity(singlevar)
| identity(point)
| identity(geometricstartzh1)
| identity(geometricstartzh2)
| identity(geometricstartzh3)
| identity(geometricstartzh5)
| identity(geometricstartzh6)
| identity(geometricstartzh7)
| identity(geometricstartzh8)
| identity(geometricstartzh9)
| identity(geometricstartzh10)
| identity(geometricstartzh11)
| identity(geometricstartzh12)
| identity(danxiangshi)
| identity(fenshi)
| identity(genshi)
| identity(xiangliang)
| identity(zuobiaoxzh)
| identity(zuobiaoyzh)
dakuohao = {
vlist2 ::= vlist(expression)
//start symbol
Gwenaelle @MyScript
Dear 贵宾 李 ,
Thank you for your update.
The candidates feature for Math is not planned in our roadmap.