General questions

What is the 'ContentPackage' file used for?

I cloned the example from the GitHub.

In the demo/, there are newPackage(), openPackage and savePackage() functions.

And I cloned another example from GitHub-additional_examples.

In the batchmode/, there is only 'create a new package' code segment at onCreate() status.

In the lasso/, there are 'create a new package' code segment at onCreate() status and 'delete package' code segment at onDestory() status.

What is the content of the file used for?

1 Comment

Dear 富傑 莊,

Thank you for your question.

The Package is a container storing ink and its interpretation as an ordered collection of parts. It can be saved as a file on the file system and later reloaded or shared between users.

For further details, please check the Storage section of the documentation:

