General questions


About cloud mark

I am a person who makes apps with text and math.

Today, the cloud mark (blue cloud mark) appeared throughout the day and it became inoperable. 

What should I do about this cause and countermeasures?

Best Answer

Dear John,

thank you for the update.

The iinkSessionId can be gotten in the ack at initialization:

Or if you look at the console:

Best regards,


Dear John,

thank you for contacting us.

After investigating, it seems that you are using our WebSocket API with our webdemo (host

As we have some stablity issues on the latter, we instead invite you to use the host instead:

-To proceed, you shall create an application on your cloud dashboard:

-Generate an application key for this application

-In your application, replace accordingly  the host, application and hmac keys

More information can be found in our iinkJS getStarted:

Best regards,


Thank you for the detailed answer.

We have already created an application in 2018.

In particular

Created on Jul 14, 2018.

In that case

Please tell me how to resolve.

Dear John,

Indeed, your account was created on July 14, 2018, but no application (other than the default one) was created.

You shall then proceed as follows:

-Login to your MyScript Cloud account:

-Go to the Applications tab: 

-Click the "Create application" button

-Open your application

-Go to the bottom of the page and click "Generate application key"

-This will create the Application Key and Hmac key ; I also recommend you enable the HMAC

-In your code, you shall then replace the existing host by "" and the Application and HMAC keys with the above ones.

Best regards,


Another one

To some extent, specifically, if you do nothing for about 5 minutes, a cloud mark will appear.

This disappears when you press the update button.

Is this unavoidable? Or is there a solution?

Dear Olivier

Thank you for showing how to creat the application.

Dear John,

Thank you for the update.

Feel free to contact us if you have any question.

Best regards,


Dear Olivier

In math, if I do nothing for 150 seconds, the cloud mark will appear.

This disappears when I press the refresh button. In rare cases, it does not disappear once, and it does not disappear unless I press the update button three or four times.

Is this inevitable? Or is there a solution?

Dear John,

indeed, when a socket has no activity for 3 minutes, it is closed:

This is to prevent that many unused connections are opened and requests are counted.

The solution is that you restore the session ; this can be done as explained on the following part of teh documentation:

Best regards,


Thank you for your reply.


Where is this?


Dear John,

thank you for the update.

The iinkSessionId can be gotten in the ack at initialization:

Or if you look at the console:

Best regards,


Thank you for your reply.