iink SDK on Device


When is the Undo stack purged?

The documentation about the iink SDK undo stack mentions that it is partially purged from time to time. Is it possible to have more details about when / under what conditions that happens?

If it makes a difference, we are using the iink SDK version 1.4 on Android.

Thank you!

Best Answer

Dear Nicolas,

thank you for your question.

Currently, the documentation by itself is explicit, i.e. checking the memory consumption, the iink decides if the the undo/redo stack shall be purged.

The solution is to check the details.possibleUndoCount to know how many stemps can be undone.

Best regards,


1 Comment


Dear Nicolas,

thank you for your question.

Currently, the documentation by itself is explicit, i.e. checking the memory consumption, the iink decides if the the undo/redo stack shall be purged.

The solution is to check the details.possibleUndoCount to know how many stemps can be undone.

Best regards,
