

How to make eraser and highlight tool on web page same as pencil tool.

We have check diagram demo for eraser tool see screenshot (http://prntscr.com/1qfh28f) but we can't find code for eraser tool and pencil heiglighter tool we need to code for add eraser and heighlight tool on web page same as nebo app see this screenshot(http://prntscr.com/1qfh4jk)


We have check this demo:



Would you please help us to solve out this problem.



Best Answer

Dear Sam,

thank you  for contacting us.

Currently, in order to get the code to user the eraser tool and pencil highlighter, the easier is that you use the Chrome devtools:

In particular, in order to use the eraser, just set the the pointerType to "ERASER".

Best regards,


1 Comment


Dear Sam,

thank you  for contacting us.

Currently, in order to get the code to user the eraser tool and pencil highlighter, the easier is that you use the Chrome devtools:

In particular, in order to use the eraser, just set the the pointerType to "ERASER".

Best regards,


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