iink SDK on Device


How can I just use the script lib in my project?

Now I want only want use the function about script lib, what need i do?

Best Answer

Dear User,

currently, the easier is that you follow our Android getStarted: https://developer.myscript.com/docs/interactive-ink/1.4/android/fundamentals/get-started/

Also, our GetStarted sample shows a basic integration of the iink SDK, which I recommend you refer to.

This way, you shall be able to integrate the iink SDK in your application.

Best regards,



Dear User,

currently, the easier is that you follow our Android getStarted: https://developer.myscript.com/docs/interactive-ink/1.4/android/fundamentals/get-started/

Also, our GetStarted sample shows a basic integration of the iink SDK, which I recommend you refer to.

This way, you shall be able to integrate the iink SDK in your application.

Best regards,


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Dear User,

thank you for contacting us.

If I understand well, you just want to use our iink SDk to recognize the text, not use our UI?

If so, I recommend you refer to the "Off-screen usage" part of the documentation: https://developer.myscript.com/docs/interactive-ink/1.4/android/advanced/off-screen-usage/

You can then add the strokes of a series of events: https://developer.myscript.com/docs/interactive-ink/1.4/android/fundamentals/editing/#series-of-events

Or, if ink shall be added of you write, you can add the ink incrementally: https://developer.myscript.com/docs/interactive-ink/1.4/android/fundamentals/editing/#incremental-input

Best regards,


 Dear Olivier,

Thank you for reply.

I am sorry that I did not explain clearly. I want to ask that If I create a android app, and how to add the myscript to my android app?

Can you give me some document to show me? Thank you a lot. I never use this script before.

I download the sample code for android. It include the UIReferenceImplementation, and the build gradle file :

dependencies {
    implementation "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:${project.ext.appcompatVersion}"
    implementation "com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.2"
    api "com.myscript:iink:1.4.1"   =============>

In my App, just add this code is OK?