iink SDK on Device


Is there a way to get notification if the number of licenses are about to run out?

Dear MyScript Staff, As mentioned in the topic title, is it possible if we could get a message notification on the phone or received an email etc just before licensed used out? Thanks! Best Regards, Bruce Wang [email protected] | Royole Technology Inc.

Best Answer

Dear Bruce,

after exchanging, internally, it seems you are facing difficulties accessing to your ATK account.

If using a generic email, you can reset the password via the MyScript SSO: https://sso.myscript.com/reset_password/request

The instructions will be provided to reset the password.

Best regards,



Dear Bruce,

after exchanging, internally, it seems you are facing difficulties accessing to your ATK account.

If using a generic email, you can reset the password via the MyScript SSO: https://sso.myscript.com/reset_password/request

The instructions will be provided to reset the password.

Best regards,


Dear Bruce Wang,

thank you for contacting us.

Currently, we do not have such alert mechanism.

The only way to know the number of available and installed licenses is to connect to your account: https://atk.myscript.com/

Best regards,
