iink SDK on Device

Phantom Space Issues in Text Recognition

The issues we are having appear to be related to handwriting that is not joined up. Please see images attached! 

Predominately CAPITALISED writing or undercase writing that is NOT joined up as per normal handwriting. 

I have attached screenshots from our testers, and this is a frustrating problem that we have been unable to solve.

We are using TEXT in the SDK and have turned off the guides as our users are writing on blank paper. 

Normal handwriting that is joined up and lowercase seems to work beautifully, but the examples I've given simply are incorrect each time. 

What variables are we missing? 

Is Myscript interpreting the pen up time between some letters as the beginning of a new word?  
Is there a way for us to negate the time between letters sent to myscript ? Is this even possible? 

If anyone has any insight or a solution for us to try to resolve this we would be very grateful. 

Many thanks, 


(587 KB)

Hello Sam,

Your attachement seems not working, can you please repost it.

Also, I'm not sure to understand your issue, but in order to have a better understanding, can you send us, a jiix produced as result and the contentpackage.

Best regards,

Etienne (from MyScript)

I've spent nearly 2 hours writing the words FORMAT, MANSION, RULER and SPAIN across both the mini and the small clipboard
I can confirm that the space bug is entirely related to printed writing - that is writing that is not joined up in cursive.
Cursive is perfect.
CAPITALISED or lowercase written in print, where each letter is written one at a time is what the space bug is related to.
The SIZE of the word, contributes to the bug - the smaller the word, the more likely the space bug is to occur.
Myscript is definitely spell checking and correcting the word it displays rather than the word that has been written or recognised.
I have tested this with cities, NEOM YORK is shown as New York etc.

I am traveling at the moment so cannot attach the JIIX, but I was hoping you would be able to start to interpret what could be causing this issue? 
Hopefully the above link allows you to see the examples. 

Bundle-Version: 1.0

Bundle-Name: en_GB


 AddResDir ../resources/

Name: text

Type: Text


 AddResource en_GB/en_GB-ak-cur.res

 AddResource en_GB/en_GB-lk-text.res


 SetTextListSize 1

 SetWordListSize 5

 SetCharListSize 1

To be honest, I don't see any reason that MyScript engine behaves like that.

You can try on our samples, or on our webdemo https://webdemo.myscript.com/views/text/index.html that CAPITALIZED or handprint writing styles doesn't implies to have extra spaces.

So, it should be some misunderstanding at the integration level.

How did you get the result ? After a waitForIDLE, or on the call back onContentChange ?  Do you clean the input sometimes ?

And yes the full input, and the full jiix will be helpfull.

Best regards,


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