iink SDK Web

Using API to Auto-Classify Text from Math

Hello, I am trying to use the API "https://cloud.myscript.com/api/v4.0/iink/batch" to auto classify and transcribe some of my notes, below is my test case:


I am using the "Raw Content" "contentType" since I have both math and text, hoping to get the API to auto-classify and know which strokes are Math and which are Text. Attached are my input to the API request and the output out of it in the format "application/vnd.myscript.jiix". If I plot the outputted bounding boxes with their classification I notice that it has a single big bounding box and it classifies the math part as well as the text part as "Text" instead of separating the Math from the Text:

Output image

Am I doing something wrong? how can I have the API auto-classify Text from Math?

1 Comment

Attached the images since one of them broke in the original post.

(269 KB)
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