

recognition result is chaotic in a specific scenario for iOS

When I first write a paragraph of text on line 5, and then write a paragraph of text on line 4, call the interface convert:targetState:error:, the result of recognition line 4 is correct, but the result of line 5 is misleading of. Is it a bug?How can I correct it?

Best Answer

Dear XPPen,

can you please provide su with a video, it will be easier to understand.

Best regards,



Dear XPPen,

can you please provide su with a video, it will be easier to understand.

Best regards,


Dear XP Pen,

Normally, this kind of behavior occurs when the lines are "mixing one with another", i.e. are not properly separated.

Do you have a video that shows the behavior? Indeed, I just tried again in a "Text" part, and if ink is properly written on the lines, the recognition is fine.

Best regards,
