iink SDK on Device


iOS 版本iink SDK依赖库能不能提供swift package manager支持?

我的Mac电脑为m1芯片,在使用pod编译时,报错:pod 不支持m1芯片;希望能提供swift package manager(spm)编译

Best Answer

Dear Tangfeng,

currently, I am not sure to properly understand your request.

Indeed, our latest iink 1.5.1 supports the Mac m1. Can you confirm you are using this latter release?

you need to use CocoaPods (pod install) for dependency library compilation, and use the pod on Mac m1, which always prompts x86/arm64 incompatibility; 

>>I am not sur what you mean by x86/arm64 incompatibility?

Indeed, the iink SDK supports the following targets: arm-9, arm64, x64:

Best regards,


Dear Tangfeng,

thank you for contacting us.

Currently, if I undertand well, you are tryin to run the iink SDK on a MAC computer, with M1 CPU? Or you are simply building on your mac M1 to run on an iOS device?

Indeed, at present, the iink SDK available on our developer portal can only run on iOS devices with the M1 CPU, not on computers with the M1 CPU.

Let me know if my understanding is not correct.

Best regards,


我是想通过Xcode编译 iink SDK,运行demo在iPhone上,但在Xcode编译 iink SDK时,需要使用CocoaPods(pod install)进行依赖库编译,在Mac m1上使用pod,总是提示x86/arm64不兼容问题;所以想问,能不能提供Xcode自带的swift package manager(spm)进行编译依赖库。


Dear Tangfeng,

currently, I am not sure to properly understand your request.

Indeed, our latest iink 1.5.1 supports the Mac m1. Can you confirm you are using this latter release?

you need to use CocoaPods (pod install) for dependency library compilation, and use the pod on Mac m1, which always prompts x86/arm64 incompatibility; 

>>I am not sur what you mean by x86/arm64 incompatibility?

Indeed, the iink SDK supports the following targets: arm-9, arm64, x64:

Best regards,


ok,I'll try again