General questions

I get a lot of errors when I try to run this project

I get a lot of errors when I try to run this project. I'm attaching a screenshot. Also, I don't quite understand where the sample recognition files are located, and the recognition result


Я получаю очень много ошибок, при попытке запуска этого проекта. Скриншот прикрепляю. Также, я не совсем понимаю, где лежат файлы примера распознавания, и результат распознавания 

(211 KB)


Thank you for your question.

Which application are you trying to register to: Nebo? iink SDK Native? iink SDK Web?

Best regards,


I have error while register my domain for email verification.

 Dear Gog. ortey,

Thank you for contacting us.

For more details on how to get started and run our samples, please refer to this documentation page:

Best regards,


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